Everything About Form 1007 Appraisal and Rent Schedule

Discover the significance of Form 1007 Appraisal in determining property value. Explore how this form aids in rental property assessment.

Form 1007 Rent Schedule
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Decoding Form 1007 Appraisal and Rent Schedule: How can a particular form help us understand how much a house is worth? Join us on a thrilling adventure into real estate appraisal, where we’ll discover how numbers and schedules reveal the hidden values of homes!

What is Form 1007 Appraisal?

Form 1007 is a crucial component of the property appraisal process, providing essential rental property information. In this blog, we will explore the purpose and significance of Form 1007, examining its role in determining fair market rent and aiding in property valuation. The main points to be covered include an overview of the form, its relevance, purpose, potential users, benefits and implications, and any criticisms or limitations associated with it.

  • Form 1007 is vital in collecting rental property information for appraisal purposes.
  • This blog aims to understand the form’s purpose, users, benefits, and potential limitations.
  • By exploring Form 1007, we can gain insights into its significance in property valuation and real estate transactions.
Form 1007 Appraisal and Rent Schedule

Relevance and Purpose of Form 1007 Rent Schedule

Form 1007 serves a specific purpose in property appraisal, which collects rental property information. Its importance and significance lie in accurately determining fair market rent and property values. Let’s delve into its relevance and purpose further:

A. Specific Purpose:

  • Form 1007 is designed to gather crucial details about rental properties, including the number of units, rent amounts, lease terms, and amenities.
  • The form ensures comprehensive data collection, aiding in the accurate assessment of the rental income potential of a property.

B. Determining Fair Market Rent and Property Values:

  • By analyzing the information collected on Form 1007, appraisers can compare the subject property’s rent to similar properties in the market.
  • This comparison helps estimate fair market rent and evaluate the property’s value based on its income potential.
  • In some cases, legal or regulatory entities may mandate the use of Form 1007 for property appraisals.
  • These requirements ensure consistency and standardization in the appraisal process, promoting fairness and transparency.

Who Fills Out Form 1007?

Form 1007 is typically filled out by residential appraisers tasked with assessing a property’s value for various purposes. Here are some key points about the individuals responsible for completing Form 1007:

  • Residential appraisers: Trained professionals who specialize in determining the value of residential properties.
  • Appraisers visit the subject property and gather relevant information about its rental characteristics.
  • They use their expertise and knowledge to complete Form 1007 accurately and ensure the rental data is appropriately assessed.

In summary, appraisers, lenders, real estate agents, property owners, and investors are among the potential users of Form 1007. They find the form relevant to their activities as it enables accurate appraisal reports, informed loan decisions, and a comprehensive understanding of the rental market.

Understanding The Relationship Between Property Value and Rent Schedule

  • The value of a property can be influenced by how much rent it can generate.
  • Form 1007 helps appraisers analyze the rent schedule, a fancy term for understanding how much people would pay to live in that property.

By carefully examining the rent schedule, appraisers can better understand the property’s worth. It’s like peering into a crystal ball to see how much income the property can generate.

The Appraisal Rent Schedule

An appraisal rent schedule is a crucial tool used in property valuation to determine the potential income a property can generate through rental payments. It helps appraisers and real estate professionals accurately assess a property’s value. Here’s why the rent schedule is essential:

  • Predicts income potential and helps evaluate financial viability.
  • Compares rental rates of similar properties to establish a fair rental price.
  • Provides insights into market demand for rental properties.
  • Assists investors in assessing potential returns on investment.
  • Strengthens the credibility and accuracy of appraisal reports.

In the upcoming sections, we will explore a 1007 rent schedule example and discuss how it influences property valuation.

Rental Survey Report-1007 | National Appraisal Services

The Rental Survey Report-1007, commonly called Form 1007, is a crucial document frequently requested in property appraisal by residential appraisers. It follows a familiar format, allowing for consistent data collection and analysis. Let’s delve into the details of this commonly requested and typically utilized form.

  • Form 1007, the Rental Survey Report-1007, is typically requested by residential appraisers to gather essential rental property information.
  • This form is commonly used due to its familiar format, making it easier for appraisers to navigate and complete accurately.
  • Residential appraisers rely on Form 1007 to obtain reliable data about rental properties and estimate market rents.

Single Family Rent Schedule (Form 1007)

The Single Family Rent Schedule, or Form 1007, is a critical component of property appraisal that focuses on rental properties, specifically single-family rental homes. This form provides valuable insights into the estimated market rent and helps appraisers determine the fair value of these properties. Here’s how the appraiser analyzes and utilizes the Single Family Rent Schedule:

  • The appraiser carefully examines the rental market and compares rental rates for similar single-family homes in the area.
  • By analyzing rental data from comparable properties, the appraiser understands market trends and factors influencing rental rates.
  • Form 1007 allows the appraiser to document and quantify significant differences between the subject property and comparable rental homes.
  • These significant differences may include location, size, amenities, or condition variations, affecting the estimated market rent.
  • The appraiser analyzes the rental data to determine if any adjustments need to be made to account for these significant differences.
  • Adjustments are made to align the subject property’s estimated market rent with that of the comparable rental homes in the area.

The Single Family Rent Schedule assists the appraiser in providing an accurate estimate of the market rent, which is crucial in determining the fair value of single-family rental properties.

How Does Form 1007 Appraisal Influences DSCR Requirements?

Form 1007 appraisal is not directly related to DSCR requirements, but it can indirectly impact it:

  • Rental Income: Form 1007 provides rental income data, which affects the property’s cash flow and can impact DSCR calculation.
  • Market Rent: The rental information helps lenders assess income potential, influencing DSCR if rental income aligns with or exceeds market rent.
  • Accuracy: Form 1007 ensures reliable rent schedule data, boosting credibility and influencing DSCR calculation.
  • Loan Repayment: Rental income data aids in estimating net operating income (NOI), impacting DSCR calculation and repayment capacity of loans.

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Completing Form 1007 in 5 Minutes or Less

Form 1007 is a rental survey report that assists appraisers in estimating the market rent for a subject property. Here are some tips for completing the form efficiently:

  • Gather the necessary information about the subject property and the surrounding rental market.
  • Ensure you have accurate data on the number of units, rent amounts, lease terms, and property amenities.
  • Analyze three rental properties in the area comparable to the subject property.
    • Look for properties with similar features, such as size, location, and amenities.
    • Note any significant differences affecting the rental value, such as condition or additional amenities.
  • Estimate the market rent for the subject property based on the analysis of the comparable rental properties.
    • Consider the rent amounts of the comparable properties and make adjustments for any significant differences.
    • These adjustments account for variations in features, conditions, or other factors that impact rental value.
  • Include all the necessary details in the report, ensuring accuracy and clarity.
    • The report includes information about the subject property, comparable rental properties, and the estimated market rent.
    • Highlight any significant differences influencing the rental estimate between the subject property and the comparables.
  • If you’re completing Form 1007 for a lender or loan application:
    • Emphasize the estimated market rent’s relevance to evaluating the property’s income potential and loan repayment capacity.
    • Provide a concise report presenting the necessary information for lenders to make informed decisions.

Remember to focus on accuracy and efficiency while completing Form 1007 to estimate the market rent effectively.

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Benefits and Implications: Form 1007 Rent Schedule

Using Form 1007 in the appraisal process offers several benefits and carries significant implications for accurate property valuation and informed decision-making:


  • Reliable Rental Data: Form 1007 provides a standardized format for appraisers to collect and analyze rental property information. This ensures reliable and consistent data that helps appraisers make accurate assessments.
  • Informed Decision-Making: By utilizing Form 1007, appraisers have access to comprehensive rental data, allowing them to estimate fair market rent and evaluate the income potential of the subject property. This information assists buyers, sellers, and lenders in making informed decisions.
  • Comparables Analysis: The form enables appraisers to analyze comparables and similar rental properties in the area. This comparison helps determine fair market rent by considering location, amenities, and property condition.


  • Accurate Property Valuations: This leads to more precise property valuations, which are crucial for buyers, sellers, and lenders.
  • Loan Assessments: Lenders heavily rely on appraisals to evaluate loan applications.
  • Fannie Mae Compliance: Form 1007 follows the guidelines set by Fannie Mae, a government-sponsored enterprise that plays a significant role in the mortgage industry.

Appraiser’s Role:

  • Appraiser meticulously analyzes the rental data provided in Form 1007. Their expertise ensures accurate assessments and reliable estimates of fair market rent.
  • By utilizing the form, the appraiser can estimate the income potential of the subject property based on the comparables and other relevant factors.

To ensure the benefits and avoid the implications, it is crucial to understand the significance of Form 1007 and diligently complete it with accurate rental property information. Proper utilization of the form promotes transparency, enables informed decision-making, and mitigates risks associated with inaccurate valuations and misinformed investment decisions.

Criticisms or Limitations: 1007 Form

Form 1007, like any other appraisal tool, is not without its criticisms and limitations. While it serves as a valuable resource for estimating market rent and evaluating rental properties, there are some considerations to keep in mind:

  • Data Reliability: One criticism is the potential for data inaccuracies or inconsistencies in the rental information collected for Form 1007. This can arise from incomplete or outdated data sources, reliance on self-reported rental figures, or discrepancies in property details.
  • Complex Rent Schedules: The rent schedule on Form 1007 can be complex, especially when dealing with non-owner occupied properties or single-family rental properties. Determining comparable rental rates and adjusting various property attributes require careful analysis and expertise, making it challenging for some users to complete the form accurately.
  • Interpretation Challenges: Interpreting and understanding the rent schedule form may be difficult for some users. This can include understanding how to properly bracket significant rental characteristics, determining the appropriate adjustments, or reconciling differences in market rent estimates.

It is important to note that while Form 1007 has limitations, it remains a widely used tool in property appraisal. Appraisers and users of the form should strive for accuracy and transparency, seeking reliable data sources and employing consistent methodologies to minimize potential limitations and ensure reliable market rent estimates for subject properties.


In conclusion, Form 1007 is a crucial tool for estimating market rent and understanding property values. By leveraging this form effectively, you can make informed decisions in the real estate market.


  1. What is Form 1007 or Form 1025?

    Form 1007 is a rental survey report that collects rental property information, while Form 1025 is an income approach to value reports used in property appraisals.

  2. Which type of appraisal includes a comparable rent schedule using Form 1007?

    The rental property appraisal includes a comparable rent schedule using Form 1007.

  3. What is a 216 and 1007 appraisal forms?

    The 216 and 1007 appraisal form is a combined report that includes Form 216 (Operating Income Statement) and Form 1007 (Comparable Rent Schedule) for property appraisals.

  4. How is Form 1007 used in the mortgage process?

    Form 1007 is used in the mortgage process to gather rental property information for property valuation and mortgage decisions.

  5. What is a comparable rent schedule on Form 1007?

    A comparable rent schedule on Form 1007 provides details of similar rental properties to estimate fair market rent.

  6. What does an appraisal mean in renting?

    Appraisal in the context of renting refers to determining the fair market rent for a property based on its characteristics and comparable rentals in the market.

  7. What is the title of the Fannie Mae 1007 form?

    The Fannie Mae 1007 form is titled “Single Family Comparable Rent Schedule,” used to compare rental rates of similar properties.

  8. What is the SBA appraisal threshold?

    The SBA appraisal threshold refers to the monetary limit set by the Small Business Administration (SBA) that determines whether an appraisal is required for a commercial real estate transaction involving an SBA-backed loan.

  9. What is a fair appraisal?

    A fair appraisal is an unbiased and accurate assessment of a property’s value based on market conditions, comparable sales, and other relevant factors.

  10. What is a qualified appraisal for the IRS?

    A qualified appraisal for the IRS is an official evaluation of the value of a property or asset that meets specific criteria set by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for tax purposes.

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